Home Newsflash China Earthquake Help

China Earthquake Help

by George Mattson
What one instructor is doing to help out!

John Page: Rising Star East Martial Arts: 9 Depot Square: Ayer www.risingstareastmartialarts.com

sent out this letter to Henry and cc’d me:

Hi Henry:
We are going to be conducting a Kick A Thon at my Dojo on June 7th with the proceeds going to the China relief efforts. In addition to the kids kicking and getting sponsors, we are going to have a raffle, bake sale, dunk tank and anything else that comes up in the meantime to help raise $$.
Maybe some other schools can do the same.  There is not a lot of lead time but I figured the getting something happening right away was best.  Maybe other IUKF dojos can join us in holding some type of fund raising event on that date or a date close to it?

George Sensei, 

I am requesting your assistance on the China earthquake relief efforts by posting this on your website.
The recent series of natural disasters and tragedies, from cylones to floods to earthquakes in one corner of the globe to the next, are undoubtedly overwhelming our psyche and taxing our ability to help, but help we must. We must do our share.
The news and photographs from the earthquakes in China are heartbreaking. Since our Uechi Ryu was originated from China, it should give us the additional incentive to help.
A picture worths a thousand words and I am not much of a talker, hopefully the two attached photographs will appeal to all those who have not yet taken the step to help. The first photograph shows a desperate son
with his mother on his back, the second photograph shows a tearful soldier being overwhelmed by the tragedies around him.
I am sure there are numerous other photographs and much more heartbreaking ones available online. My point is, we must help and we should count our blessings that we are in a position to help. 

There are several organizations that we can contact to help. However please be aware of scams. The links for
Red Cross and Salvation Army are shown below. Please help directly on-line:

Henry Thom

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