Home Summer/Winter FestsSummerFest Testing at SummerFest

Testing at SummerFest

by George Mattson

Testing Kids at SummerFest:

I want to thank you Sensei George Mattson for allowing me to run my junior black belt test at this years’ summer camp. I must say this has been the high light of all my students’ martial art achievements. This is something my students will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.

These students have achieved much in their training and studies. They have worked diligently and relentlessly to be where they are today. The added bonus was to receive their reward in the presence of many local seniors and seniors from other parts of the world. The presence and approval of grandmaster George Mattson sitting on their board is already becoming legion among the student in my dojo.

Many of my students’ parents are calling me to ask if this could be their case when their child is ready for black belt testing. There were 15 messages on my dojo phone and 5 more on my cell. They pledged the dedication of their child in anticipation of such a glorious event involving their little warrior.

If junior testing is something you are willing to do at your camp every year, I will plan for this. I’m sure all my students will work hard for the opportunity to duplicate and experience the joy my new junior black belts felt.

I also believe this will be a goal for all my young students. This may encourage many other students to stay focus and continue studying. A few of my calls at the dojo was from parent who had took their children out because of other interest.


Darin Yee

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