Home The Uechi Community Congratulations Victor

Congratulations Victor

by George Mattson


On September 18th, 2011, Victor Swinimer from the Bridgewater Uechi Ryu dojo, passed his Kumite test and was promoted to “National  Kumite Judge B”.  Victor has worked very hard to achieve this and deserves much recognition. Please congratulate him on his accomplishment.

The clinic was a stunning success with about 40 participants from all over eastern Canada and a few coming from as far away as Ontario and Alberta.  I am pleased to see the number of participants from Nova Scotia at this clinic and I would like to encourage them to continue to study and improve their officiating skills.  I would also like to encourage them to take advantage and participate in the officials program within our own province.

One of the major factors in the success of this clinic was the involvement of the athletes from New Brunswick and Newfoundland.  Their contribution and support were crucial to the effectiveness of the practical component of this clinic.  They also benefited from being able to take advantage of the “officials perspective” and get feedback from National and international referees.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind our membership of the provincial officials clinic on Saturday, October 15th at the Windsor Karate Club from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  A more detailed itinerary will follow shortly.

Respectfully submitted,

David Griffin, NSKA Chief Referee

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