gempicIUKF has been growing very quickly. Our new site administrator has made great progress re-designing and updating the black belt registry of rank and honors. The old registry has been one of our site’s most popular feature, accessed by thousands of people checking on their rank or others. Now that our registry is being incorporated into other style sites, it is likely that the registry will become the most recognized and accredited repository of traditional martial art rank and honors.

In the process of moving the names and ranks from the old registry to the new one, it is possible that some records might have been overlooked, so please check to make sure all of your ranks and titles are recorded. . . regardless of your style or organization. All existing records will be revised and updated and of course, all IUKF ranks are automatically listed.

Our new website is almost completed. Recent board meeting changes will be incorporated into the new site and revised membership fees and dan test information will be updated at the end of June and will be in effect on July 1st.

Remember that you can join IUKF and schedule your Black Belt tests by going to and clicking on one of the two arrows. Membership and dan test administrators will send you requested information and will help you with any question you might have.

Henry Thom is chairing a dojo membership committee. Henry will be very pleased to talk with any teacher or dojo owner about all the benefits in becoming an IUKF member dojo. Contact Henry by email him at: Henrythom(at)

Of course, all you Canadians can get in touch with IUKF-Canada by sending David Mott an e-mail at .


George E. Mattson

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