Home Archives Canadian National Karate championship Report

Canadian National Karate championship Report

by George Mattson
Hello Sensei Mattson
I wanted to update you on the Canadian National Karate Championships and how well I did as a Official. First the tournament was a huge success. The venue was held in Richmond BC from March16-18 at the Olympic Oval which is an amazing building. There was about 350 of the top Kumite and Kata competitors in the country so the skill level was something to watch and judge.
This was my first Nationals as a judge so I want to do my very best. The first two days I judged both Kata and Kumite eliminations of which were about 50 to 60 matches , a lot of work for a new Official. The third day not as many because they were the finals and I did not have a high enough license to judge these.
I was testing for my Kata Judge B and my Kumite Judge B but because of how well I did over the whole tournament I now have a Kata Judge B and a Kumite Judge A. So I am very pleased with this and next year I plan to upgrade my license.
One of the senior Officials started calling me Mr. Uechi-ryu. They are a wonderful group one and all and are very glad to have new people and other styles join their group. I have to thank Dave Griffin , Jeff Muise and Milton Bourque for their support with out them this would not have been possible.
Victor Swinimer
The people in the picture from left to right is Dave Griffin Shito-ryu  Head Official for Nova Scotia , Kevin Jones Wado-ryu , Milton Bourque and Gary Walsh Chito-ryu and Victor Swinimer Uechi-ryu. All Nova Scotia Officials.

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