Home Articles of Interest Plan to attend August NE Workout

Plan to attend August NE Workout

by Darin Yee

gem at super summer seminars-2012On Saturday August 24th at 11:00am to 1:00pm, Christian Maine, one on our up and coming stars of Uechi-Ryu is conducting our regional workout.   The location is Top Gun Gymnastics at 17 Town West Road, Plymouth NH 0326.  Please notice the state is NH.  Also be informed NH is beautiful this time of the year.

Sensei Christian Maine has been around for a long time and is operating a very successful dojo there.  I have visited a few times and can attest to the quality of his training as his excellent students are a testament to that.  I also would like to remind all the dojos either had hosted an event or planning to host an event, Sensei Christian Maine have participated in every workout prior with many of his students and plans to continue in these wonderful workouts.

Let’s round up our troops and let them know what a great experience this is going to be.  A great workout in a beautiful location and the food up there is not too shabby.   I plan to close my dojo for the day and every one of the adults in my classes Saturday will be encouraged to attend.  We’ve considered these our “mini-tours”.   The mat fees are $15 per person to help pay for the facility which Sensei Maine has to pay to accommodate us.  Please bring cash.  If you must bring a check, please make it out to Christian Maine.

Come join us.  You’ll have a great time.  Bring friends.  They’ll enjoy our workouts also.  See you all in New Hampshire on Saturday August 24th at 11:00am to 1:00pm.


Darin Yee

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