Home Articles of Interest How to Become an Editor

How to Become an Editor

by George Mattson

Any registered member may write article for submission

for our website.


How do you submit your article?


1. First, you must be a registered member of this “uechi-ryu.com” site. If you are not and would like to join, please click on the “create an account” link at the bottom of the left frame.

2.  In order to become an “Editor”. . . which is necessary in order to submit articles that will be published here, you must send the site administrator (me) an e-mail with your name, and your uechi-ryu.com registration name. (This is a different registration than the one found on the Eastern Arts’ Forums.)

3, Once I get this registration information I will upgrade your registration I.D. to “Editor” status. I’ll send you an e-mail at that time, letting you know your editor status has been upgraded.

4. Whenever you log-on to the Uechi-ryu.com site, be sure to log-in with your registration i.d. and password. You can “check” the box, requesting that your browser log you in automatically.

5. In the User Menu, click Article Submissions”. to write and publish your article.

7. You can write your article within your browser window or you can write in using an editing software program such as MS Office “word”; copying and pasting to the browser editing window once your article has been published.

8. Follow the simple instructions for publishing your article. If you have any questions, just contact me and I’ll help you complete the task.


What kind of articles are we looking for? Obviously it would be best if there were some relationship to the martial art field generally or Uechi-ryu specifically, but our readers are interested in just about any subject. Be sure your title and description accurately describes the subject matter. No profanity, obscene pictures either. 


George Mattson

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