Home Memorial Site St. George Powell. . . R.I.P.

St. George Powell. . . R.I.P.

by George Mattson

Powell Tribute from Bermuda Arts & Fitness Academy classmates


Good afternoon everyone… My name is Al Wharton, I was previously head of the Bermuda Arts & Fitness Academy…So I have the honor of reading a few words on behalf of some of the classmates who are here to share our deepest condolences to the family & friends of Ralph St George Powell

St George was known to many of us as simply Powell…you know you have made some kind of impact amongst your peers if they give you single name status…like Opra or Martin…(smile)

Powell was a part of Bermuda Arts and Fitness Academy for almost 40 years and trained primarily in Uechi Ryu Karate, he also studied Bak Sil Lum Kung Fu and Tai-Chi. He always enjoyed gaining knowledge and exploring different martial arts techniques. He is remembered for his physical strength but at the same time what made him extra special was his gentleness and warm heartedness

Yes…was strong and tough, and some of his class mates would say “he roughed us up” but only to bring out the best in their training techniques.  Most recall the times when paired up with Powell for the arm pounding exercises, and to this day remember the pain! (Smile).

Despite his toughness, he was lots of fun to be around.  His easy going social nature made him numerous friends amongst the local martial arts community. We can recall travelling overseas to seminars and karate camps where Powell became the Bermuda ambassador, making friends with senior martial artist, and students alike, too numerous to mention. Everyone he met came to love and respect him.

Outside of his martial arts skills Powell is also remembered for his masonry skills, (I guess that helped develop those strong hands) alongside his long term martial artist friend Sensei Llewelyn Smith, who regularly did the maintenance work on the dojo building…he even later became a locksmith.

Powell bought positive warm energy to the dojo and generously encouraged others to bring out the best in their training. “No cutting corners” he would say.

I am sure that he will truly be missed by all of his Family, classmates and friends!


Many people think that Martial Arts is just about fighting; however, Powell is a good example of what Martial Art truly is:

“Learning how to Fight …Not to Fight”.

Being who you are…….. (no fakeness).

Knowing what you do….. (continual practice).

Doing your best for others… (helping and sharing knowledge).


That was “Powell”……Ralph St. George Powell.

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