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More Archives. . . The VidMag Series

by George Mattson

Virtual Dojo Information HERE

Back in the mid 90s I got the idea that our karate association should communicate with our members more often and decided to publish a monthly video newsletter and mail it out to subscribers. Obviously this was before Facebook and way before the internet was something everyone could access. I purchased a very expensive, state of the art video editing machine, a $3000 brand new “hand held” video camera and began cranking out video newsletters.

I thought you might be interested in where my head was back then and will be posting clips from VidMag 1 that were just returned to me after being restored and edited. One of the segments of this first video focused on the 1995 Uechi-ryu World Championships and the preparations our team went through putting it together. Here is a short audio clip I pulled from the video, relating to what our team envisioned to be the attributes of a true Uechi-ryu Champion:

G.E.Mattson Video Archives – VidMag1-1-a clip

Sue wants me to remind everyone that she must mail my new book out this week in order for you to get it in time for Christmas. Don’t wait until you have to buy it on Ebay!!!


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