IUKF Developments
The Board of Directors has been hard at work on behalf of the membership for over two years. For most of that time they met each week, on-line by using conference software. Each meeting lasted an hour or more, and involved the reading of minutes and other documents, and the performance of individual projects, some quite involved, on behalf or the Board, which is working for you!
Your Board would like to share some of the developments that have evolved or been produced within the last six months…
Rules for Juniors Tournaments were revised and consolidated.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Black Belt testing and promotion have been completed, and will soon be published on this website, in installments.
Black Belt candidates shall be pre-tested.
Certificates will not be given out on the day of testing. Rather the candidates will receive notification approximately one week later.
Up to one year grace period will be offered, before these changes go into effect.
All IUKF personnel shall be paying members. This includes Test Board members, Senior members, and Board members.
Students new to the IUKF who wish to be tested for Dan ranking will first have to spend 12 months with an IUKF instructor. Both student and instructor will need to be paying members of the organization.
Dojo memberships in the IUKF will be offered. For the fee of $100 per year, the owner/chief instructor will receive a yearly IUKF 11×14 parchment certificate for framing and display, that states that this dojo is an “IUKF Certified School”.
A Directory of IUKF Seniors, Godan and above, is being created, and will include biographical information and photo of each one. This will be available to the members.
The IUKF is an inclusive, not exclusive organization. It’s about building bridges between people and Martial Arts organizations. It does not support conflict or divisiveness. It is interested in extending olive branches to all who are interested in sharing their knowledge of Uechi Ryu and other Martial Arts. We are about growth, and sharing!
Paul Haydu