SummerFest 2007 – July 27-29th
I had a “blast” at Dave Young’s training last week.
Dave created many of today’s “state of the art” programs now being taught throughout the world by dozens of trainers. He’s not much of a media guy. . . preferring to just “doing it”.
To watch him in action though and you know he is “the man” with the ability, tools and teaching expertise matched by few in the world.
We are indeed lucky to have him as a friend and advisor.
Last week Dave was winding down his very busy seminar schedule for 2006 with a RedMan training course for the Vero Beach prison guards. This particular course was designed specifically for the trainers who will be running programs at the prison on a regular basis.
Watching the program in action, it appeared to be geared as much for the students as the coaches. However Dave pointed out that although the students (those who wore lightweight gear) received lots of practice “drilling” the teachers with kicks, elbows and brutal takedowns, the focus of the training was on the instructors. (Those wearing the “big dog” suits!)
After two days of really serious and heavy training, Dave’s emphasis on safety paid off. No one was injured and everyone came away from the training with a new appreciation for Dave’s instruction and for the built-in protection offered by the RedMan equipment.
I spoke with Dave this morning about the program he has put together for martial artist that will be held in March. He has mentioned a number of times how important the basics are and if a dojo wants to get serious about training their students in “realism”, this course is essential.
At camp last July, Dave spent quite a lot of time teaching the martial artist things that we never thought about before. . . basic things like How to hold a kicking shield so the person holding the shield won’t get hurt. . . Things that most dojo and martial artists don’t give a second thought to, Dave emphasized for the safety of the instructor (or partner) during class.
After spending a couple days with Dave and really getting into the purpose, goals and philosophy of his basic course, I can relate to how important the RedMan equipment is to what makes his programs so effective and truly “realistic”.
There are many reasons for taking Dave’s course for martial artist in March. Any dojo considering offering “realist” training for civilians face legal issues government agencies must deal with on a regular basis. If an agency does any of this training, you can bet they will at a minimum, require a certification from a reputable organization. When a dojo instructor offers a self defense course, they often are completely unqualified to teach it. Should someone get injured, this teacher and the dojo will have a hard time explaining or justifying their actions.
Dave is offering us a way to address these complex and often overlooked problems and instead of trying to pass off some unrealistic and indefensible set of techniques to an unsuspecting audience, here is an opportunity to build a legitimate program to supplement your traditional program. . . A program that is responsible, reasonable and proven in the field.
Click Here for a dojo poster which hopefully you will post in your dojo!
Read lots more on Dave Young’s Forum!