Home Articles of Interest Feeding Crane Seminar With Liu Chang’I June 14 & 15, 2014, Boston, MA

Feeding Crane Seminar With Liu Chang’I June 14 & 15, 2014, Boston, MA

by George Mattson

Liu-ChangIFeeding Crane Seminar With Liu Chang’I
June 14 & 15, 2014, Boston, MA
If you would like to see Liu sifu in action, there are a number of videos on his Chinese language website: http://feeding-crane.myweb.hinet.net/, and there are a number of videos of him on YouTube. His website is also very informative, though it is in Chinese. There is an interview with Liu sifu here: http://www.dragon-tsunami.org/Dtimes/Pages/article36.htm .
This seminar will introduce the Feeding Crane system. It will cover some of the power development exercises (kung’li) that give the system its incredible power. Introductory forms including 3 Battles (Samchien/Sanchin) and applications of the forms, as well as other training practices, will also be taught. These training methods will be of great interest to Okinawan karate practitioners as well as practitioners of traditional Chinese martial arts. For those people who have attended other seminars with Liu sifu, this seminar will expand on the material covered in previous seminars.

Saturday June 14
9:30 am– 10:00 am Sign in, warm up
10:00 am– 12:00 pm Feeding crane practice
12:00 pm– 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm Feeding Crane practice
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Questions
Sunday June 15
9:30 am – 10:00 am Sign in, warm up
10:00 am– 12:00 pm Feeding Crane practice, building on material from Day 1
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Break, questions
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Feeding Crane practice, building on material from Day 1
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Questions, photos
Please dress in work out clothes- gi pants, sweat pants or shorts and a t shirt.
Liu Chang’I
Liu sifu is the lineage head of the Liu family Feeding Crane system (Shi He Quan), from Taiwan. Feeding Crane was brought to Taiwan in the early part of the 20th century, from Fuchow, China. The system has been passed down unchanged in the Liu family, and contains a complete and traditional curriculum, including power development (kung’li), forms, application, chi’gung, body conditioning, as well as herbal medicine and other traditional practices. Liu sifu’s power is amazing, and his technique is superb. His system is also interesting due to its relationship to Bai He, and other southern Chinese chuan’fa like Wing Chun. Its relationship to Okinawan karate, in particular Goju and Uechi Ryu, is also obvious in the movement and application.
Feeding Crane Seminar with Liu Chang’I
June 14 & 15, 2013, Boston MA
The seminar will be held at 151 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA. The training space is large, open, and has changing rooms and facilities.
Two days of seminar: $175.00
One day of seminar: $120.00
To register, print this form, fill in the required information, and enclose it along with a check or money order made out to Fred Lohse and mail to:
Fred Lohse
56 Monument St
Medford, MA 02155
You may also contact Fred Lohse to register via email or phone. Participation is currently limited to 40 people so please register early.
For inquiries about the seminar, please email Fred Lohse at: fwliii@verizon.net, or telephone at: 781-801-6492.
Feeding Crane Seminar with Liu Chang’I – Registration Form
I will attend (check one):
One Day (circle day you will attend): Saturday / Sunday
Both days
Amount Enclosed: $_______
Name:____________________________________ Age:_________
Phone #:___________________________ Email: __________________________
I __________________ submit my application for participation in the above named seminar with Liu Chang’I on individual or consecutive dates from June 14 & 15, 2014. I
understand that there are risks of injury in participating in this seminar. I claim full
responsibility for myself in this event. I hereby waive and release any and all claims, cause of
action, losses, damages, cost, expenses, either known, now existing or arising in the future,
that I may have of whatever kind or nature against Liu Chang’I, Fred Lohse, Kodokan Boston, seminar organizer or director and/or anyone involved in any way with the seminar.
Signature __________________________________________ Date:____________
(Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age)

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