Home The Uechi Community 2010 World Championship in Argentina.

2010 World Championship in Argentina.

by George Mattson

Today was the first day of the 2010 World Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Rengokai Championship in Argentina.

With the participation of 800 competitors signed up, in the categories of Kata Kobudo and Karate Kata. Sensei Carlos Ciriza (Uechi-ryu Kenyukai) led a team of 5 competitiors representing Uechi-ryu:
1. Jorge Ortega,
kata category Danes over 40 years old:
total number of competitors: 36
obtained position: 18 ° place

2. Angel Gallardo
kata category Danes over 40 years old
Total Competitors: 36
Obtained Position: 8 th place

3 ° Monica Lasso
Category: Female kata 18 to 39 years old
Total Competitors: 26
Obtained position 13 ° place

4. Alejandro Cabrera
Category Danes male 18 to 39 years old
Total Competitors: 72
Obtained Position: 36 ° Place

5. Ziegler Diego
Category Danes kata male 18 to 39 years old
Total Competitors: 72
Obtained Position: 5 th Place

Ziegler Diego
Category Kobudo Sai Kata male Danes


total number of competitors: 28
Position obtained: 1 Place World Champion

Event Details:
The 2010 World Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Rengokai Championship in Argentina, was organized by the Okinawa Shorin Ryu Renshukan Argentina, directed by Sensei Pedro Fattore  8 th Dan.  controlled by Federation Argentina of karate,  only Karate organization recognized and endorsed by the Argentine Government through the Ministry of Sports of the Nation.

The President of the Tournament was Minoru Higa Sensei 10th Dan and President of Okinawa Shorin Ryu Kyudokan.

attended the Okinawan Masters: Yoshinobu Kawakani Sensei, 9° Dan Shodokan  Goju Ryu,  Sensei Iha Kotaro 10 ° Dan Ryukyu Ryukonkai Kobudo, Sensei Oshiro Yuzuro 9 ° Dan Shodokan  Goju Ryu, Miyagi Kaoru Sensei 9 ° Dan Shohei Ryu, Sensei Kakazu Shoshimaza 9° Dan Kyudokan Shorin ryu, Sensei Akamine Shigehide 7 ° Dan Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu & Sensei Akihito Yagi 6 th Dan Goju Ryu Meibukan.
Competed in the event 800 competitors,

the day Friday 12, seminars were held all the Okinawan masters who visited us, the day Saturday 13 was done on  Kata Kata Karate and Kobudo, and Sunday 14, competed in Kumite.

A hug Sensei George

Sensei Carlos Ciriza  7* Dan
Uechi Ryu Kenyukai Argentina

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