Home Articles of Interest Can training with Bokken help your Sanchin stance? Yes

Can training with Bokken help your Sanchin stance? Yes

by George Mattson
Can training with Bokken help your Sanchin stance?  Yes!
I developed a routine that might be helpful to students who train both weapons (Bo Bokken, Jo or other) and their Uechi-Ryu Sanchin. Here’s how:
To paraphrase Musashi  “Let your everyday walk become your warrior walk”. Keep that
In mind. Oftentimes students practicing bokken drills will step forward and execute a downward strike in concert with the footwork. Timing is key and this is very handy drill, especially the 180 turn at the end as you resume stepping and striking along the line you started at.
However the more interesting drill and very useful adaptation is similarly stepping and striking downward while stepping forward in alternating 45 degree angles off to the left then right.  Advancing forward in a zig-zag like fashion. Lease note that timing the downward strike with the turn to 45 degrees off of center line will create and reinforce a good sanchin stance with back leg sharply coming into play to lock the stance as the bokken tip lowers. As you turn to the opposite 45 and execute another strike the alternate leg becomes the front leg, and once again the back leg moves forward sharply to complete the stance as the bokken tip comes down. Practice several sets of this enjoyable drill and you should see improvement in your sanchin footwork.
Best wishes training.
Ethan B. Miller

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