Skills For Effective Teaching

by George Mattson

by Joan Neide, Ed.D.
Department of Health and Physical Education California State University, Sacramento

Course: P.E. 032 Uechi-ryu Karate

1. Plan lessons using a standard format. Objectives should be written in the psychomotor, affective, and/or cognitive domain. Activities or tasks must match objectives.

2. Establish a safe environment; have students participate in a safe environment.

3. Communicate directions and instructions clearly; teacher speaks to students only when they are quiet and all listening.

4. Quickly involve students in physical or cognitive activity at the beginning of class.

5. Tell or demonstrate to students what to do before getting equipment.

6. Establish rules or proper behavior, consequences of inappropriate behavior, and consistently enforce rules and consequences.

7. Teach and reinforce quick response to stop and go signals.

8. Use positive reinforcement to promote appropriate behavior.

9. Use humor when appropriate.

10. Teach students to be responsible for getting equipment, using it safely and correctly, and putting it back.

11. Spread out equipment for easy access.

12. Observe and scan from perimeter (back to wall); move around class to keep students on task.

13. Provide clear and directions and use appropriate planning to make smooth and quick transitions (ending one activity and beginning another).

14. Check with students for understanding and comprehension (ask a student to repeat directions or demonstrate the task).

15. Provide learning experiences that focus on curriculum topics appropriate for elementary or secondary curriculum movement concepts, skill themes, team sports, lifetime activities, and fitness. Be able to describe what a successful learner looks likes in behavioral terms. (for example, what does a “good” tennis serve looks like?)

16. Provide tasks for students that match their skill level.

17. Provide tasks that match the lesson objectives.

18. Provide the opportunity for each student to get a maximum number of appropriate practice tries.

19. Monitor students activity by moving among students.

20. Identify critical aspects of a student’s movement and make appropriate corrections comments – stays with student after getting feedback.

21. Conduct a lesson closure (less than 2 minutes); has students physically or verbally demonstrate their learning.

22. Show evidence of reflecting on teaching to include objective assessment of teaching behaviors.

23. When presented with a specific incident of inequity (gender, race, or skill level), can make an appropriate solution.

24. Shows enthusiasm toward the students and the material being covered.

25. Communicate clear expectations that learning is important.

Units: 1

Course Description:

This course examines the historical, philosophical and physical aspects of Uechi-ryu Karate. Students will be asked to learn the basic techniques and skills used in this Okinawa system as well as to develop and improve in body strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Course Objectives:

1. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of an Okinawa martial art form that is practiced and taught internationally.

2. Students will develop and refine the basic techniques and skills used in Uechi-ryu karate.

3. Students will learn movement patterns that represent defensive fighting techniques.

4. Students will improve in overall physical condition and mental balance through active participation.

5. Students will learn the historical background of Uechi-ryu karate and the influence of Asian philosophies on its teaching methodology.

Course Content:

1. To critically examine the historical events and philosophical doctrines that have shaped the development of Uechi-ryu

2. To learn the basic blocks: circle, upper and lower blocks, and palm heel block.

3. To learn the basic strikes: front punch, back fist, knife edge, elbow strike, palm heel strike, hammer fist, one knuckle punch, and wrist strikes.

4. To learn the basic kicks: front, side, and crescent kick.

5. Students will learn the basic stances and foot movement patterns.

6. Students will experience prearranged sparring and its application in a real fighting situation.

7. Students will be introduced to formalities, kata, and the importance of learning balance, coordination and breathing techniques


1. lecture and demonstration

2. video tapes and readings

3. practice and application of skills

Course Regiremonts:

Please see attached sheet.

Course Evaluation:

1. Technique assessment: 90 points
2. Written assignment: 10 points

Attendance Policy:

0-2 absences, no deduction of overall grade.

3 absences, deduction of 1/2 grade on final grade (i.e. B grade will be reduced to B-)

4 absences, deduction of full grade on final grade.

5 or more absences, failure.

P.E. 3.2 Uechi Ryu Karate
Written Assigment (10 points) Due: ___________

1. Please read a book/magazine that relates to the martial arts.

Prior to reading submit name of book/magazine to instructor for approval. (see below)

2. Write a reaction paper to the book. No more than 2 pages, typed and doubled spaced.

Express your reaction to and opinions of the reading. This can include:

Discuss aspects that were interesting to you.

Points you agree with or disagree with and why.

Discuss any surprises.

Aspects of the reading that you would like to know more about.


Please detach and submit to Dr. Neide:




California State University, Sacramento Health and Physical Education
Instructor: Dr. Joan Neide
Solano 1003 ext. 5383

I. Name of Course: Foundation and Practice of Asian Martial Arts

II. Course Number: P.E.118A Uechi-ryu Karate

118B Tae Kwon Do
118C Tai Chi

III. Units: 3

IV. Course Description:

This course is designed to have students explore the ancient traditions of the Asian martial arts in conjunction with actual participation in a selected martial art course. The course asks the student to critically examine the cultural contribution of specific Asian communities such as Japan, China, and Korea, to the martial arts as practiced in the United States.

V. Course Objectives:

1. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of an art/sport form developed in Asia that is practiced in the United States by people of various ethnic heritage.

2. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of specific philosophical and religious elements of Asian American heritage.

3. Students will critically examine the socioeconomic framework of various Asian cultures and its influence on the development and perpetuation of the martial arts in the United States.

4. Students will trace the development of various martial arts forms and study their techniques and rationale for their specific style.

5. Students will critically examine martial arts literature, fiction and nonfiction, which compares and contrasts experiences of Asian and non-Asians in the study and practice of the martial arts.

6. Students will learn about the inclusion and exclusion of women in the practice and development of the martial arts.

VI. Course Content:

1. To critically examine Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism and its influence on the development of the martial arts.

2. To explore the influence of Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism on today’s Asian American community and on various martial art schools found in the United States.

3. To describe the relationship of Zen in relation to Buddhism specifically, swordsmanship and archery.

4. To describe how various ancient philosophical and religious elements still influence and shape the Asian American community.

5. To identify various martial arts styles from China, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, and the Philippines and to trace their origins and development to the modern era.

6. To see the similarities and differences between various Asian countries and the United States in their martial arts teaching methodology.

7. To describe the Code of the Samurai, Bushido, and its impact on Japanese martial arts as practiced in Japan and the United States

8. To examine various literary works which show the process of learning and understanding the martial arts from the perspective of non-Asian and Asian individuals.

9. To identify various women who have made a contribution to the martial arts past and present.

10. To see how various Asian cultures and American society have included or excluded women in the martial arts.

VII. Methodology:

The course will be organized into a lecture/lab experience.

Lecture/seminar – two hours per week

This component of the course will examine the historical and philosophical aspects of the martial arts. The students will be asked to critically examine various historical documents, texts, and literary works. The emphasis of this unit will be to see the ethnic and cultural diversity and similarities which shape various martial arts schools practiced in the United States. This unit also will explore the contribution and influence of the Asian communities in American society through the medium of the martial art.

Lab – two hours per week

This component will give the opportunity for students to participate in a variety of martial arts courses, including, but not limited to, Okinawa, Korean, and Chinese. This unit will allow the students to have a hands-on experience and to physically experience the teachings of the martial arts.

VII. Course Evaluation Plan


Written Assignments 50 points
Midterm 80 points
Final 100 points

Lab: (proposed)

Technique Assessment 80 points
Written Assignments 20 points

(Note: evaluation of lab experience is to the discretion of each instructor)

Total points possible = 330 points

Course Attendance:

It is expected that all students will attend all scheduled lectures, tests, and workouts. It is expected that all students will complete all reading assignments, tests, quizzes, and written assignments on the scheduled dates. Failure to do so will result in the lowering of grade for individual assignments.

IX. Required Texts:

Herrigel, E. (1989). Zen in the art of archery. New York: Vintage Books

Musashi, M. (1974). A Book of Five Rings. New York: Overlook Press.

Salzman, M. (1986). Iron and silk. New York: Vintage Books.

Recommended Text:

Frederic, L. (1991). A dictionary of the martial arts. Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.

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