Home Articles of Interest Happy New Year

Happy New Year

by George Mattson

              Happy New Year to all. . .

2008 was both an exciting and enjoyable year for the Mattson family.

SummerFest was a huge success, with friends and associates taking the opportunity to work out together while helping me celebrate 50 years of teaching Uechi-ryu karate.

2008 WinterFest was also a big success. A surprising number of friends showed up for the Friday golf tournament and the seminars held the following day went really well.

My students here in Florida are working hard to make sure the 2009 WinterFest will provide an enjoyable as well as interesting experience for participants. Since the karate program has become part of the Mount Dora Recreation Department, the city will be handling all the administrative chores associated with the event.. All I have to do is show up and participate! This WinterFest, I’ll be teaching one seminar each day, continuing with the subject matter of 2008 where I described and taught what I considered to be a useful and workable course curriculum which begins with ‘core’ Uechi. Then showing how compatible martial art skills branching out from the ‘core’ system can be taught.

Aside from my seminars, we will be honored with the presence and teaching skills of many senior martial art instructors who will be attending. Of course, WinterFest would not be complete without our golf tournament. . . this year sponsored by the Warrior Golf Company, who will be donating free custom wedges to all participants.

Sunday should be interesting. This year the Mount Dora Recreation Department and my students will be hosting an open ‘FireDragon Challenge’  which will be taken by WinterFest participants and local residents. A local Kungfu school will kick-off the Challenge with a Dragon dance. Should be fun and interesting. Hope you can join us. . .

George E. Mattson

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